中本健吾/以下 N) こういう対談は初めて?
中津由利加/以下 Y) 雑誌とかオンライン記事でのインタビューはあります。
N) WWDの記事は見たよ。じゃあローカルなお店と対談するのは初めてだね(笑)
Y) そうですね(笑)こんな企画をやってるお店さんもないですよね。
N) この企画はうちの会社のWEBチームから、商品以外も掲載したいというリクエストがあって。やるなら店舗とリンクすることがいいなと思って、なにかトピックがある時に対談を組んで、相手の思い入れのある場所で行うことにしたの。
今回は、4月11日からref.でMAISON EUREKAのpop-upイベントをやるので、その前に対談させてほしいと思って由利加ちゃんの住んでいるベルリンで1月頭にやろうと決まってたのに、私の年末年始の暴飲暴食が祟って出発2日前に緊急入院してしまい延期に。3月頭に予定を組んだらコロナでベルリンに行けずまたしても延期。。
Y) 急がないとですね(笑)
N) そそ
N) 場所のリクエストがとんちゃん通りだったんだけど、どんな思い入れがあるの?
Y) 私が初めて社会に出た場所です。高校を卒業してすぐに福岡から上京しました。
N) 東京に出たくてしょうがなかった?
Y) そうですね。大学や専門学校に進学する意味がないと思っていて、すぐに社会に出たかった。
N) やりたいことが決まってる人はプロ野球みたいなもので、早く社会に出たほうがいいよね。ちなみに、福岡は街中の学校だったの?
Y) 福岡市内です。私立の女子校でした。
N) それで、東京に出てきて、仕事はアパレルと決めていたの?
Y) そうですね。高校生の頃からファッションが好きだったので。
N) どんな格好をしてたの?
Y) 2つ上の兄の影響もあって、最初はアメカジから入って、その後ストリートファッションになりました。
Y) その前にOLD NAVYとかRRLとか着ていて。それから、兄がGOODENOUGHとか着はじめて。
N) 福岡はGOODENOUGHの聖地だもんね。
Y) そうなんです。それで、兄が持っていたGOODENOUGHのシャツを勝手に着て怒られたりしてました(笑)
N) そりゃ怒られるわ(笑)バリバリメンズファッションの王道を歩いてるね。由利加ちゃんがスカート履かない理由がわかった気がする。
Y) 兄はシルバーアクセサリーの販売員として働いています。
N) じゃあオシャレ兄妹じゃね!
Y) いやいや…。でも兄の方が地道にコツコツやる方ですね。ジュエリーコーディネーターの資格を取ったり、マイスターになって会社から表彰されたりしています。私よりすごいと思います。
N) すごいねー!兄弟はおひとり?
Y) あと弟がいます。
N) 弟さんもファッション関係?
Y) 弟はちがいます。
N) え、もしかして福岡でとんこつラーメンとか作ってたり?(笑)
Y) そうです!!当てられたー!(笑)
N) そういえば、由利加ちゃんは広島に縁があって、お父様が広島の出身で、今もお祖母様が住んでるんだよね。
Y) そうです。
N) 行ったことある?
Y) ありますよー!いつも家族で福岡から車で行ってました。
N) じゃあ久しぶりの広島だね。
Y) そうなんです!この前ばったりお会いしました!
N) どんな感じだった?相変わらずスカしてた?(笑)
Y) いえいえ(笑)
N) 当時は怖かったの?
Y) 昔からすごく優しい大先輩という感じでしたね。たぶんすごく年の差があって、私が子供だったので、優しく接してくれていたんだと思います。
N) そっかー。今なら一緒に仕事とかできそうなのにね。オファーないの?
Y) ないです、、何か嫌われるようなことしたかな(笑)
N) いやいや!あいつは後輩に頼らないっていうプライドがありそうだから(笑)
N) 最初にno44を辞めてからはどうしてたの?
Y) ロンドンへ語学留学をしました。
N) バイヤーの仕事には語学が必要だと思ったの?
Y) そうですね。会社にはすごく良くしてもらって、入社してすぐにパリとかミラノとか連れてってもらったんですけど、自分には荷物持つくらいしかできなくて。でも早くメインのバイヤーになりたいじゃないですか。ただ、その当時、自分より8才上の先輩がアシスタントとしていて、その方が次のメインバイヤーになるって考えた時に、このままここで5年とか働いていてもメインバイヤーにはなれないと思ったんです。実際、その頃の自分は本当に何もできていなかったので。
N) それで、ロンドンを基点にバックパッカーで旅をしたりしたんだ?
Y) はい。ロンドンには1年半くらいいたので、日本で貯めたお金で色々な経験をしました。
N) その後日本に帰ってきて、no44に戻ったんだよね?そこからはバイヤーの仕事をしてたの?
Y) そうですね。メインバイヤーの先輩もいましたが、私もヨーロッパやLAに買い付けに行っていました。店長として店舗の業績を任されるようにもなったので、その時に感性を磨く仕事と、数字面を考える仕事の両方を経験できましたね。
N) その時は、お店は1階だけの時だった?
Y) 2階もありました。
N) じゃあ既にとんちゃん通りで確固たる地位を築いていた時だね。そこでは何年やってたの?
Y) 2年半ですね。その頃からH&Mとかファストファッションの流行が始まって、客層も変わってしまって。良いと思っていたものが急に受け入れられなくなってしまったんです。ただ、会社として絶対にかっこいいものをやっているという自負はありました。
N) no44はどなたが編集していたの?
Y) 社長ですね。ヨーロッパで買い付けてきた商品を並べて、その中に、クリエイターやデザイナーズのブランドがあったり、古着、アンティーク、エルメスなどのヴィンテージものがあったりしましたね。ミックスさせるセンスだったり、本当に良い経験をさせていただきましたね。
N) じゃあそこで磨かれた部分が大きいんだね。WWDの記事でも見たけど、安月給でも良いものを着ろって社長に言われて、月10万とか使ってたんだもんね。今の販売員に聞かせてあげたい(笑)
Y) そうですね(笑)でもいつか自分に返ってくるものだと思っていたので。
N) 気付いてたんだね。
Y) 今考えると身にはなっていたのかなと思いますね。
N) MAISON EUREKAの下地はそこでできたのかな?
Y) そうですね、色々な素材や、古着、ヴィンテージもの等、本当にたくさんのものに触れさせていただいたし、店頭にも立っていたので、どの色やサイズが1番売れるかとかもわかるようになりましたね。
N) MAISON EUREKAは結構ぶっ飛んだ色もあるもんね(笑)
Y) 色がないとお客様を高揚させられないからダメなんですよね。あとはクオリティとか価格のバランスも、バイヤーと販売員の両方の経験があったからできていると思います。
N) お手本にした人とかブランドとかはあったの?
Y) そういうのはないですが、責任を持ってつくるという思いはありますね。
N) 確かに展示会も良い意味クローゼットぐらいの規模だもんね。
N) 話は戻るけど、no44からシューズデザイナーになったきっかけはなんだったの?
Y) 当時、バイヤーという職業が難しいと感じていて。自分が欲しいと思うものだけでなくて、売れる商品を選ぶという、結果の数字を見ながら仕事をしなくてはいけないことに疲れてしまって。その時に、昔からの知り合いに「自分がブランドをつくるときは絶対なかっちゃんにデザイナーをやって欲しいと思ってた」と声をかけていただいて、じゃあやってみようと思いました。
N) それがシューズブランドの「デュルブイ(durbuy)」だよね。何年携わったの?
Y) 2009年〜2013年の約5年間ですね。
N) 拠点はどこだったの?
Y) 最初の2年は東京で、その後ロンドンへ行きました。
N) じゃあロンドンに移って遠隔でブランドを運営していくテクニックを覚えたんだ!今も生産は日本だもんね。MAISON EUREKAはベルリンでスタート?
Y) そうです。イギリス政府の移民排除政策があって、旦那さんの仕事の関係もあったので、ベルリンを選びました。
N) じゃあベルリンに移住して、MAISON EUREKAをスタートさせて、今に至るということだね。
Y) ファーストシーズンですね。
N) 今回で何シーズン目?
Y) ブランドとしては今回で12シーズン目になります。
N) 今後の展開で考えていることはある?
Y) 海外での展開を視野に入れています。自分の生活基盤に近いところで展開してみたいと思っていて。日本だけでやっているとマインドがビジネスに寄ってきてしまう部分があって、ショーをやりたいとかはないんですけど、もっとクリエイティブな方を優先して、素直に良いと思ったものや、つくりたいものを表現したいなと。
N) 面白いね。あと、福岡にはオンラインストアのKAUFHAUSはあるけど、自分のお店を出すことは考えないの?由利加ちゃんが編集したお店は面白いものができそうだけど。
Y) ブランドのイメージを伝えられる場所があるのは良いと思うんですけど、店舗となると、それ以上の色々がのしかかってきますよね(笑)スタッフも必要ですし…
N) そっか(笑)そういえば、イノウエブラザーズとのプロジェクトもあるんだよね?
Y) はい。イノウエブラザーズさんが新しく開発する生地を使って、商品を作ろうというお話をしてますが、コロナの影響もあって、生地納品に時間がかかってしまっていて。
N) 由利加ちゃんからこの話を聞いた時、お互い海外に拠点を置く同世代のデザイナーだし、すごく面白いものがつくれるんだろうなと思ったよ。
Y) ありがとうございます。まだいつ発表できるかわからないんですけど、もともと販売をお願いする予定だった特定のお店さんにはアナウンスしていく予定です。
N) うちが呼ばれなかったら面白いね(笑)
Y) それはないですよ!もう少しお待ちください。
N) とても楽しみにしています!
N) 今まで、由利加ちゃんが出向いてやったイベントってあるの?地方では広島が初めて?
Y) そうですね。都内はロクさんとかでありましたけど、地方は初めてです。
N) でも由利加ちゃんはすぐ売場からいなくなりそうな気がするな。
Y) え!?
N) だいたい二手に分かれるんよね、エンドユーザーと熱く話すのが好きな人とぼやかしたい人と。なんか由利加ちゃんは、ふらっといなくなってそう。「おばあちゃん家に行ってましたー!」みたいな(笑)
Y) (笑)でもどういう立ち位置でいればいいのかわからなくなっちゃいますね。販売の時はできてましたけど、作り手となると、お客様とどう接したらいいのかわからないです。
N) じゃあうちで慣れてね(笑)
Y) うちのブランドはちょっと謎多きくらいがいいです(笑)
N) でも、僕が初めて展示会に行った時に、由利加ちゃんのことカッコイイ人だなぁって思ったから、それが今回のイベントをきっかけにお客様にも伝わるといいな。
Y) ありがとうございます。楽しみにしています。
(Kengo Nakamoto / N) Is this the first time you've had a conversation like this?
(Yurika Anatsui / Y) I've done interviews in magazines and online articles.
N) I've seen the WWD article. So it's the first time you've had a talk with a local shop (laughs).
Y) That's right (laughs). I don't know of any shops that do this kind of project.
N) This project originated with a request from our company's website team that we would like to publish something other than our products. I thought it would be a good idea to link up with the store. I decided to set up a dialogue when there is a new topic, and wanted to do it at a place that the person feels attached.
This time, MAISON EUREKA's pop-up event will be held at ref. store from April 11, so we originally planned to do a talk in Berlin (where Yurika lives) in early January. However, the trip was postponed due to my hospitalization which occurred two days before I left for Berlin. This is because I went on a binge during the end of the year, then we decided to do this time during your exhibition in Japan.
So, I can finally talk to you today, Just in time (laughs).
Y) We had better hurry and get started (laughs).
N) Let’s do it!
N) First of all, your request for the upcoming event place was for Tonchan-Street.
What kind of thoughts did you have?
Y) This area is where I first went out into society. I moved to Tokyo from Fukuoka right after I graduated from high school.
N) Didn't you just want to go to Tokyo?
Y) True, I didn't see the point in going to college or vocational school so I wanted to get into society right away.
N) It’s like professional baseball I think - If people are clear about what they want to do, it might be better to jump into the real world as soon as possible. Was your high school in the city?
Y) In Fukuoka City. It was a private school for girls.
N) So, when you came to Tokyo, were you determined to work in the apparel industry?
Y) Yes, I've loved fashion since I was in high school.
N) What kind of fashion did you wear around the time?
Y) Under the influence of my older brother, I started out with AMECAJI (American-casual) style, and then I started to wear street fashion.
Y) Before that, I was wearing things like OLD NAVY and RRL. Then my brother started wearing GOODENOUGH and so on.
N) Fukuoka is the holy land of GOODENOUGH.
Y) Well, I suppose so. I would often get scolded for wearing my brother's GOODENOUGH shirt (laughs).
N) No doubt you got scolded (laughs). It seems you have followed the royal road of men's fashion. Now I understand why you rarely wear skirts. What does your brother do now?
Y) My brother works as a salesperson of silver accessories.
N) Such stylish siblings!
Y) No, no..... But my brother is the one who makes steady efforts. He has been certified as a jewelry coordinator and became a meister, receiving many awards from his company – I think he is really amazing.
N) That's great! Do you have only one brother?
Y) I also have a younger brother.
N) Is he in fashion, too?
Y) Actually not.
N) Oh, does he make Fukuoka-Ramen or something? (Laughs)
Y) You are right! How did you know that? (Laughs)
Y) True.
N) Have you ever been there?
Y) Of course, yes. My family would always go there by car from Fukuoka.
N) Then it must have been for a while since the last time you visited Hiroshima.
And what's interesting is that your boss from no44 is my junior (laughs).
Y) Yes, I ran into him the other day!
N) What was it like? Did he look as sassy as ever? (Laughs)
Y) No, no (laughs).
N) Was he scary when you guys worked together?
Y) He was always very kind. Since we were different in age and I was childish at the time, he treated me very gently.
N) I see. I think you two could work together now. You don't get an offer from him?
Y) No, I may have done something bad so he hates me. Just kidding (laughs).
N) Haha! He seems he is too proud to rely on his juniors (laughs).
N) What did you do after you left no44?
Y) I went to London to study a language.
N) Did you think that a language was required for a buyer's job?
Y) Exactly. I learned a lot from no44 though. Soon after I joined the company, they took me to Paris and Milan, but the only thing I could do was carrying my own luggage. All I wanted to do was become a main buyer, right? But the reality was that my senior assistant buyer was 8 years older than me. And think about if the person was going to be the next main buyer, it would probably take at least 5 years for me to become a main buyer. At that moment, I could do nothing.
So, I decided to study abroad to experience something different which could be more useful for the future.
N) Nice. I heard you did backpacking based in London?
Y) Yes. I was in London for about a year and a half, and I experienced many things with the money I had saved in Japan.
N) Then you went back to Japan and started working at no44 again, right? And from there, you worked as a buyer?
Y) I did. Although there were senior buyers who did main buying, I was able to visit Europe and LA for buying. As I was also in charge of the store business as a store manager, I could sharpen both skills of sensibility and numbers.
N) When you worked there, was the shop on the first floor only?
Y) There was also a second floor.
N) Then it was when they had already established a firm position in Tonchan Street. How many years did you work there?
Y) About 2 and a half years. It was around that time that H&M and other fast fashion brands started to become popular, thus the customer base changed. What I thought was good suddenly became unacceptable. But as a company, we were proud that we were doing something absolutely cool.
N) Who directed no44 store?
Y) The president. We selected items we bought in Europe – from creators and designer brands, vintage clothing, antiques to Hermes vintage. It was a great experience for me to hone a sense of mixing things up.
N) I saw in the WWD article that you used to spend around ¥100,000 a month because the president told you to wear something good even with a low salary. I wish my sales associates could hear that (laughs).
Y) You’re right (laughs), but I thought it would be in my best interest.
N) You were aware of it.
Y) Now that I think of it, I gained a lot and learned so much.
N) I wonder if the base of MAISON EUREKA was made from those years.
Y) Absolutely. I got to see a lot of different materials, second-hand clothes, vintage clothes, and so on, and since I was standing in the shop, I was able to see what colors and sizes would sell best.
N) MAISON EUREKA has some pretty outrageous colors, doesn't it?
Y) Without a color, you can't uplift customers’ feelings. Also, I am able to think about the balance between quality and price thanks to the experience as both a buyer and a salesperson.
Y) I don't have that, but I do want to take responsibility for making things.
When I was employed, I had to make a profit for the company, and in order to do that, I sometimes had to compromise or buy things that I didn't really think were good. I always had those kind of conflicts and I was like “Is this really okay?”.
But when I do my own brand, I have to create something that I really think is good. We want to make things that we can proudly say “this is great, right?” to our customers. So, I try to design items that I want or that I can imagine having in my closet.
N) It's true that your exhibition is about the size of a closet in a good way.
Y) At the time, I felt that a buyer was a difficult profession. I got tired of having to work while looking at the numbers of results, choosing products that will sell, rather than just what I want. At that time, an old friend of mine said to me, "I've always wanted Yurika to be a designer when I'm creating my own brand," so I decided to give it a try.
Y) That's about five years from 2009 to 2013.
N) Where was the base?
Y) I spent the first two years in Tokyo and then I went to London.
N) That means you moved to London to learn the technique of running a brand remotely! MAISON EUREKA started in Berlin?
Y) Yes. I chose Berlin because of the British government's immigrant exclusion policy and also because of my husband's work.
N) So, you moved to Berlin, started MAISON EUREKA, and now you're here.
The first time I saw Yurika's products was a pair of thick-soled sandals worn by Ms. Tada from alpha.co,ltd. I thought they were cute, and that's when I was introduced to her. Are those sandals from the first season?
Y) It's the first season, I think.
N) How many seasons have you had so far?
Y) This will be the 12th season for the brand.
N) Do you have any ideas for future developments?
Y) We have our sights set on expanding overseas. I am hoping to develop something close to the foundation of my life. I don't really want to do a show, but I would rather like to prioritize the creative side and express what I honestly think is good and what I want to create.
N) That's interesting. Also, you have an online store in Fukuoka called KAUFHAUS, but haven't you thought about opening a physical store? It would be really cool.
Y) I think it would be great to have a place that can expand a brand image, but running a real store is a bit of a burden to me (laughs). I would have to hire more staff and so on.
N) That's right (laughs). I also heard you have a project with Inoue Brothers.
Y) Yes. We've been talking about making a product using the newly developed fabric from Inouye Brothers, but due to the influence of Coronavirus, it's been taking a long time to deliver the fabric.
I was planning to present it as an exclusive at this exhibition and have it sold only at the stores we designate, including ref.
N) When I heard about it, I thought that you and Inoue Brothers are both designers of the same generation who are based overseas, and that we could create something very unique.
Y) Thank you very much. We don't know when we'll be able to announce it yet, but we'll be announcing it to specific stores that we were originally going to ask to sell it to.
N) It would be funny if my store was not invited (laughs).
Y) That's not going to happen! Please wait a little longer.
N) I'm so looking forward to it!
N) By the way, have you ever been to an event that you actually met customers?
Is Hiroshima the first regional city to do so?
Y) I've never been in a rural area before, although I've been in Roku and other places in Tokyo.
N) But I have a feeling that you will disappear from the sales floor so soon.
Y) Eh!
N) There are two types of people: those who like to talk passionately with the end users and those who want to make things vague. It seems like Yurika is going to disappear in a haze. You will say like “oh, I was at my grandmother's place! “(laughs)
Y) Hahaha! But I don't really know what position I should take. When I was a salesperson, I was able to do it, but as a designer, I don't know how to interact with customers.
N) Well, you should get used to it at our event then (laughs).
Also, the vague image of the brand is given shape through the designer, so it will be a great opportunity to communicate the brand to the customer
Y) I like our brand to be a bit mysterious (laughs).
N) When I first went to your exhibition, I thought you were such a cool person, and I hope that this event will be an opportunity to convey that to the customers.
Y) Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to it.
Yurika Nakatsu
1984 Born in Fukuoka
2002 Moved to Tokyo after graduating from high school
Experienced in sales and buying as an assistant buyer at a select shop “no44”
2005 Studied abroad in London and traveled around Europe as a backpacker
2006 Returned to a manager/buyer at “no44”
2009 Resigned from “no44”
Became a designer of a shoe brand “durbuy” by MondeCorporation
2011 Moved back to England
2013 Moved to Berlin, Germany
Resigned from Durbuy
2015 Launched her own brand “MAISON EUREKA”