映画「逆光」× ref. ー支援を決めたきっかけー
実を言うと支援はあやさんの存在が決め手だった。はっきり言ってあやさんが関わっているなら安心だと 、、ズバリ保険ね!!笑
(*)カーネーション:NHK連続テレビ小説 2011年10月〜放送
映画 × ファッション
渡辺あや × 須藤蓮
(*)ワンダーウォール:NHK BSプレミアム 2018年7月〜放送
「逆光」× これから
一同 大爆笑!!!
出演作:連続テレビ小説 なつぞら (2019)、大河ドラマ いだてん~東京オリムピック噺~ (2019)、ワンダーウォール 劇場版 (2020)、蒲田前奏曲 (2020)
脚本作品:ジョゼと虎と魚たち(2003)、メゾン・ド・ヒミコ(2005)、連続テレビ小説 カーネーション(2011)、ワンダーウォール 劇場版(2020)
※ ref.ではアーティスト支援企画として、映画「逆光」公開に合わせ、7/16(金)より「ジャパニーズ ヌーヴェル ヴァーグ展」を開催。
Set in Onomichi, Hiroshima during the 1970s, 「逆光」/ Backlight is an homage film to Mishima literature portraying a same-sex love story. Various events have been planned in conjunction with the film’s release. As one of these events, Ren Sudo, making his debut as a director with this film together with screenwriter Aya Watanabe and Keigo Nakamoto from ref., spoke passionately about the making of 「逆光」/ Backlight.
●Film: Backlight × ref. -Reason for being selected for support.
Keigo Nakamoto / N)Being introduced by a friend in Fukuromachi Park during March of this year marked the beginning of this year’s artist support(*). Last year’s support program, which started in April of 2020, was coming to an end and I just happened to be thinking about who to support next.
My first impression of Ren was that he was really energetic. I felt like it had been a while since I felt such pressure coming from a young person (laughs). That, and I’ve never engaged with filmmaking, so I felt like stepping into some unfamiliar territory could be stimulating. I mean, it’s the time of Covid after all.
Ren Sudo / S)The first time I walked past the shop [ref.], I thought it looked so cool. I didn’t know anything about ref. at the time, but I thought about how ideal it would be if I was able to hold an event there for quite some time. Then, I found out a member of my team knew Mr. Nakamoto, and I was really surprised.
N)I’m happy to hear that.
Our store [ref.] doesn’t have a sign, so it’s known as “that store with the big windows at Fukuromachi Park”.
However, Ren calls me when he wants to tell me something regardless of what time it is, 24 hours around the clock. I felt like it had been a while since someone as mad as him had appeared in front of me (Laughs).
Aya Watanabe / A)Ren’s energy since meeting Mr. Nakamoto was on another level. He’d all of a sudden say things like “This is what I’ve wanted to do!” (laughs).
N)Thats funny.
To tell you the truth, Aya was the reason I decided to fully commit to the artist support. If I’m being honest, I felt like if Aya was involved, I could be sure about the project... like a guarantee!! (laughs).
Since the NHK morning dramas changed their start time from 8:15am to 8:00am, I’ve been able to watch most of them. Out of all the works until now, I have to say, I liked Carnation (*) the most. Part of the reason being because the story is around clothes, and as a person working in apparel, it felt really close to me. But also, it had a certain speed and a real finished feel to it which I’ve never felt in a morning drama before. I recommended it to a lot of people at the time. I was so moved by that drama, I even considered adding the Koshino brand to the selection at ref. (laughs).
By the way, the other day I was asked by a student graduating next year who’s going to start working [at ref.] about what sort of preparation they should do before they start their new job. I told them they should watch Carnation and received a lovely letter about their impression of the show afterwords.
A)I’m glad I could be of help.
(*) Artist support: Aimed to support artists struggling during the covid pandemic, starting March, 2020, artists with up to ten years of experience since their debut who have a connection to the Chugoku District are qualifiable. Last year’s selected artist was Moka Sato.
(Moka Sato/ Singer, songwriter from Okayama Prefecture. From April, 2020, began one year of support, making her major record label debut with Universal Music in May of 2021).
(*) Carnation: NHK TV drama series, first broadcasted October, 2011. A drama based on global fashion designer Koshino and family.
●Movie x Fashion
N)Compared to the ‘70s or ‘80s, I feel like film in Japan is rather on the decline today. There are distinguished actors and actresses, but not so much distinguished films... An example being how people think a film will be fine as long as they cast Koji Yakusho. Just when I was feeling that Japanese film was going to continue to get worse and worse, I was really surprised to encounter a young person who wanted to make a film so badly.
S)I watch a lot of films from that period. They’re really deep, aren’t they? It’s like there’s something there that can’t be fully comprehended. I feel like it’s a shame to only have films out there where you can understand everything just from watching it once. I got told “the film was good”, not “the actors were good” from people who watched Backlight, and that made me really happy. I thought “wow, they actually watched the film”.
A)There’s just so much concern over being able to sell a film in the industry as a whole, that I get this feeling like only films that can be profitable are permitted to be made. Really, everyone starts making films because they like it and because they want to have fun, but there’s this strange pressure that you’re not really supposed to think like that.
S)Making films has been split into either “having fun” or “making a profit”, but really being able to do both is the most ideal and most interesting. Putting fun on the forefront while still being able to be profitable is, I think, one of the really amazing things about Mr. Nakamoto.
N)If you can’t get people to know your work, you’re not able to keep doing it for long, even if what you’re doing is good work. [I’m doing this] Because I want “Director Ren Sudo” to make films for a long time.
S)I think I’ll manage to as long as Aya doesn’t abandon me (laughs).
N)By the way, has much changed with filming techniques since the ‘80s?
A)Definitely. For one thing, cameras don’t use film anymore. Since everything became digital, anyone can make films now, but that doesn’t mean there’s a great increase in new talent.
N)Sounds a lot like the fashion industry. These days, things are a lot easier to make, but I agree, I feel like there isn’t a lot of emerging talent.
S)I wonder why... But it’s possible that young people will start spewing out [good] new works after covid.
N)You’re probably right. After experiencing such restrictions, young people could very well change how they do things.
S)There’s definitely some things that can only be born out of restrictions, aren’t there? Film is restricting, right? You can’t keep retaking scenes.
N)Is film really that different?
S)Definitely, like the color black. Black gradients don't diminish [in film] so you can film [well] at night. Really, I want to use film, but it costs about ten times as much. Also, when you use film, the number of cinemas that can screen your film become very limited. It also takes a lot of time and effort, but I feel like there are probably a lot of positives because of that too. There’s also an increase in limitations due to things becoming more convenient. After the conversion to digital, mass production became possible, so simultaneous screenings of a film became possible too. But at the same time, films are now immediately consumed and then that’s the end of it.
N)The same with clothes. With natural dyes, even when using the same black dye, you get some inconsistencies in a good way. But with artificial dyes, you can only get results that are completely uniform or flat. On top of that, “flat” clothes keep getting made just to then be thrown away. It’s just like the film industry. Even in cooking, microwaves have replaced stoves and it’s a lot more convenient now, but flavors continue to move further away from how they originally were.
S)That’s why films today are like mass produced frozen foods. You can eat it straight away, and it’s tasty, but it’s not really culture.
A)I feel the same way with fashion. These past few years, fashion’s become really uninteresting, really quickly. Even when you look in stores, all the clothes lined up feel the same.
N)Before, you could really think about things freely. Like combining this and that and to wear it in this sort of way. Now, everything is becoming more and more catalogued. A brand will kindly, carefully make you a manual. When you do that though, you only get copies. That’s what Aya calls boring I think.
Also, there’s just an overflow of stuff today which is probably another cause. Before, it was hard to get a hold of what you wanted, it was almost like scarcity helped develop your imagination.
A)I agree, it felt like fashion had [bigger] dreams. Even staff at stores had a certain radiance.
N)Store staff lack substance and follow a catalog now too.
S)That’s sort of why I have a real admiration for culture that’s substantial. Like the people in the generation before me, I’ve always thought of them as having substance. I felt like that’s something I didn’t have enough of, and I didn’t like that about myself. That’s why I wanted to make a film with substance. A film where I could speak boldly.
●Aya Watanabe x Ren Sudo
N)Aya, what was it that made you want to work with Ren?
A)About three years ago, he was one of the actors for a screenplay I wrote. (*)
S)That piece was my debut as an actor.
A)While working with him there, I thought his strong will and way of thinking was interesting.That, and actors always get told what to do by the director and have to answer to that, it’s a job where you have to control yourself, which looked really difficult for him. I thought that he’s probably the type of person that would really grow if you let him do what he wanted to do. It’s like watering a plant and seeing what it’ll turn into. That sense of anticipation, simply put, is interesting, don’t you think? Like you said, the industry as a whole keeps getting more and more deprived, but that’s because there isn’t enough of the right kind of soil for young vigor to grow. It’s also a consequence of no one trying to grow new talent. I’ve felt that I needed to help the younger generation for quite some time, and then a young kid, full of enthusiasm and wanting to go wild showed up, who made me feel like I wanted to give him some water.
N)I see, Ren definitely is out here going wild.
When you get over 50, there’s a feeling that springs up of wanting to cultivate, hand over the baton, or pass down something to someone, isn’t there?
A)That ends up being more fun, doesn’t it?
S)The reason for wanting to start directing I think greatly came from not really being able to find being an actor admirable. But the other side, the side that Aya is on, the direction side or the side of physically making things, I really admired and had a lot of interest in. Before I knew it, there were a lot of interesting adults doing that sort of stuff around me.
I always find talking to people that are the same age as me unsatisfying. Opinions that are more interesting than my own don’t really come up. The two of you already have a lot of experience of what’s good and what’s bad. Listening to or even clashing with people with more experience is, however you think about it, more interesting. You learn a lot, and it’s beneficial to a piece of work too. Also, the people around me are all young. I want to listen to what experienced people have to say with them and then each of us can help each other grow our talents.
N)What’s great about Ren is that he takes initiative, going around Hiroshima to keep making all these new connections. And then he comes to me and says “work with this person” and keeps throwing me all this homework. I usually work with people I already know because it’s easier and more simple that way, but he didn’t allow me that leisure.
(*) Wonderwall: NHK BS Premium, first broadcasted July, 2018. Set in the historical “Konoe Dormitories” in Kyoto which face the threat of demolition, this story of adolescence depicts the conflicts between the university’s side of wanting to replace the aging dorms with the opposed side of the students living in the dorms. The film adaptation first premiered in April, 2020.
●Backlight x The Future
N)Since when did you have plans for Backlight ?
A)Just when Covid started, so about a year ago. Because of that, it’s progressed really quickly.
S)It came to be from all upcoming jobs suddenly being cancelled. Being irritated about not having anything to do was sort of the creative drive for this work.
N)Why did you choose Onomichi as the setting for this film?
A)During a film festival that happens every year in Onomichi, there was a screening of a film that was based off a drama we did together in march, and we were invited to to that screening. Ren and I along with the producer went to visit, and I left the next day, but Ren stayed for around three nights. He really seemed to like the place.
N)What was it about Onomichi that you liked?
S)There’s something there that you can’t find in Tokyo. You can go sightseeing in Tokyo by yourself and have fun, but there’s always someone [to talk to] in Onomichi. People who find an interest in something come to see whats going on. I really like meeting people, and I’m a person who loves the phrase “meeting of a lifetime” (一期一会, ichigo ichie). Meeting people there is really exciting and having that opportunity makes me really happy. There’s also a lot of places where you can just stop and be still. You can feel comfortable wherever you sit, and there’s this feeling of belonging when you're there.
N)Do you think you want to film in Hiroshima again?
S)If I have the opportunity, yes, but probably not in Onomichi for a while. I’m the type that keeps on wandering for fresh, new experiences. If I’m going to film at the same spot again, I think I’d need to have some time apart first, otherwise I don’t think I could enjoy it.
N)How about your next film?
S)Next is a love story based in Shibuya (Tokyo). It’s a contemporary party people drug film (laughs). I was actually thinking of making this film first, but shooting club scenes became impossible due to covid. So what then got hastily prepared was Backlight.
N)So the Shibuya film got blown off, and Hiroshima became the place for your debut as a director. If it wasn’t for your debut as a director, perhaps the events around this film might not have gotten this big, so it’s destiny in a sense, isn’t it?
S)If my second film was Backlight, I don’t think it would have become such a big deal. I felt like there’s definitely some things you can only do with your first film, so I really want to do as much as I can.
N)I still haven’t been offered an appearance in your next film?
(All three burst into laughter).
Ren Sudo: Actor
Born July 22, 1996, Tokyo.
One of the leading cast members in the Kyoto regional drama “Wonderwall”. Begins directing for the first time in the film 「逆光」/ Backlight.
List of appearances: Serial TV drama なつぞら / Summer Sky (2019), Period drama いだてん~東京オ リムピック噺~ / Idaten ~Tokyo Olympic Story~ (2019), ワンダーウォール/ Wonderwall, cinema adaptation (2020), 蒲田前奏曲 Kamata Prelude (2020).
Aya Watanabe: Screen Writer
Born in Hyogo Prefecture. Currently lives in Shimane Prefecture.
Has written for: ジョゼと虎と魚たち / Josee, the Tiger, and the Fish(2003), メゾン・ド・ヒミコ
Maison du Himiko (2020), TV drama series カーネーション / Carnation (2011), ワンダーウォール/ Wonderwall, cinema adaptation (2020).
「逆光」/ Backlight (Film): Set in Onomichi (Hiroshima) during the ‘70s, an homage to Mishima literature depicting a same-sex love story.
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